A Dead Red Heart

Dead Red Mystery Series Book 2

by RP Dahlke


June 8, 2011

Available in: e-Book, Trade Size (reprint)

Read an Excerpt

A Dead Red Heart
by RP Dahlke

What if your beating heart becomes the reason someone wants you dead?

When a troubled, homeless veteran covers her vintage Cadillac with paper snowflakes, Lalla Bains decides a showdown is needed. Unfortunately, she arrives too late for that conversation finding him lying on the ground, stabbed with his own scissors.

As she kneels down to help a sound causes her to look up, and a figure is silhouetted against the late afternoon sun.

She calls out for help but the figure disappears, leaving Lalla shocked as she realizes a killer now has her marked for murder.

Originally published April 2011 in eBook by Dead Bear Publishing.

RP Dahlke's Bio

RP, AKA Rebecca Dahlke was raised on her father's 80 acres of Almonds & crop dusting ranch south of Modesto, California. She's been writing since 1994, first with a writing group in the East Bay Area and then when she and her husband went sailing. My protagonist for the Dead Red Mystery series is a tall, blond ex-model turned crop-duster who, to quote Lalla Bains, has "been married so many times they oughta revoke my license." Lalla is no Danielle Steele character & she's not afraid of chipping her manicure. Scratch that, the girl doesn't have time for a manicure. The first three books are based in the Central Valley of California. Beginning with A Dead Red Alibi, Lalla and family move to South East Arizona where she and cousin, Pearlie Bains, will continue to their unearth killers as Wishbone, Arizona's newest P.I.s. My romantic suspense books are also on Kindle: A Dangerous Harbor, and Hurricane Hole. If you liked my Lalla Bains series, I know you'll love these books: More romance, more suspense, and in an exotic location with nastier bad guys and a bald parrot! Want to receive advance notice of my next book? Go to the Contact Me tab and send me an email! Memberships: Sisters in Crime, National and Tucson Chapter AZ chapter of Sisters in Crime.