A Little Night Music

Heroes and Half-Notes Book 2

by A. E. Easterlin

The Wild Rose Press (Champagne Rose)

September 2, 2016

Available in: e-Book, Trade Size

A Little Night Music
by A. E. Easterlin

Kate Sanders waged a war against breast cancer and won — but at what cost? Her fiancé deserted her, leaving her two best friends to pick up the pieces. After reconstruction surgery, the girls decided it was time for Kate to rejoin the ranks of the living. After all, all men couldn’t be perfidious jerks, right?

Little did they know their efforts would lead Kate not only to Cash, a legally blind vet and an exceptional man, but straight into the path of a psychotic killer.

Would the devastating Cash save her from the clutches of her stalker? More importantly, could he convince her he was the man of her dreams, or would the recurrence of her disease prove terminal to their love?

A. E. Easterlin's Bio

A.E. Easterlin, attended Alabama College and UAB in Birmingham, majoring in Vocal Performance and Music Education. Married, with three children and two grand-children, she now lives in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, where she partners with her husband in business and writes Contemporary and Historical Romance. An avid traveler, Ms. Easterlin draws inspiration for her novels from destinations in Europe, South America, Canada, and her beloved American West. A USA Today Best Selling Author, she's an active member of RWA and Florida Romance Writers.