posted on May 24, 2024 by TM Clark

Make It Pink!

I’ve spent many years living in a male-dominated house. The only other female in my house is a little 3kg cat called Sally. So, until recently, the most pink in my house was when dear readers, friends and family gave me all sorts of pink goodies, which I love, related to Flamingos. My good friend and amazing author Amy Andrews gave me the idea of writing about a flamingo story as a way to get a pink book cover!

When I was doing the research for CRY OF THE FIREBIRD, I found that flamingos fitted perfectly into the story I wanted to write, which led to the  pink(ish) cover of the first edition of a book. When I decided to go independent, I found the gorgeous image that now graces the cover, but it did mean sacrificing the pink. However, I still think of CRY OF THE FIREBIRD as my pink book.

On the first of May, my youngest son married his princess, and their wedding colour was all shades of pink. I got to make the dress, which was an honour and privilege. I worked with 3D fabric for the first time, and my house was pink from the inside, flowing outside into the garden. She looked stunning, and he looked so handsome… I might just HAVE to write their wedding into another book.

I can’t help but smile thinking how my tomboy self of the 70s now has so much pink surrounding her. Who knew that pink was in my future?

Okay, I’m going back to my writing. I’m in the edit stage of my next novel, which I’m planning on getting out by the end of the year.

TM Clark

TM Clark

I was born in Zimbabwe, and have lived in South Africa and England, but now call Australia home. I'm married and have two sons.

When not running around after the men in my life, I get to enjoy my hobbies, which include boating, reading, sewing, travel, gardening, and lunch with my author friends, (not necessarily in that order!)

I'm passionate about different cultures and wildlife, the wilder places in the world and literacy.

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