Key West Connection

by Randy Striker, Randy Wayne White


April 4, 2006

ISBN-13: 0451218019

Available in: Paperback

Key West Connection
by Randy Striker, Randy Wayne White

Ex-Navy SEAL Dusky MacMorgan survived a military hell only to find it again where he least expects it—as a fisherman trolling the Gulf stream in his thirty-foot clipper. His new life is shattered when a psychotic pack of drug runners turns the turquoise waters red with the blood of his beloved family. Armed with an arsenal so hot it could blow the Florida coast sky-high, he's tracking the goons responsible—right into the intimate circle of a corrupt U.S. senator living beyond the law in his own island fortress. But now it has to withstand the force of a one-man hit-squad.

Randy Striker's Bio

Randy Wayne White (aka Randy Striker) is a New York Times best selling author whose novel, Sanibel Flats, was chosen by the American Independent Mystery Booksellers Association as one of the Hundred Favorite Mysteries of the 20th Century. He was a light tackle fishing guide at Tarpon Bay Marina, Sanibel Island for 13-years, did more than 3,000 charters, and draws heavily on those experiences for his novels about marine biologist Doc Ford and his quirky pals at Dinkin's Bay.