The Deadlier Sex

MacMorgan series #4

by Randy Wayne White, Randy Striker


October 2, 2007

ISBN-13: 0451222369

Available in: Paperback (reprint)

The Deadlier Sex
by Randy Wayne White, Randy Striker

Dusty MacMorgan and his pal Westy O'Davis are fishing along South Florida's Ten Thousand Island coast when they make a most unusual catch—a naked woman. And no sooner do they get her on board than a nearby trawler explodes.

Even more remarkable is the story the waterborne beauty tells upon awakening. She is a member of a hard-core women's group secreted on a local key. And when Mac and Westy escort the lady home, they discover a tropical feminist utopia. But behind the facade lies a deadly secret that will make them wish they'd thrown their alluring catch back...

Randy Wayne White's Bio

Randy Wayne White is a New York Times best selling author whose novel, Sanibel Flats, was chosen by the American Independent Mystery Booksellers Association as one of the Hundred Favorite Mysteries of the 20th Century.

He was a light tackle fishing guide at Tarpon Bay Marina, Sanibel Island for 13-years, did more than 3,000 charters, and draws heavily on those experiences for his novels about marine biologist Doc Ford and his quirky pals at Dinkin's Bay.